Health Information Films
A series of accessible films on different Health topics
Education Health and Care Plans - getting health professionals on board
Film about the benefits of involving health professionals in Education Health and Care Plans for young people with special education needs.
BSL Signed film with subtitles
Education Health and Care Plans - getting parents and carers on board
Film about the benefits of involving parents and carers in Education Health and Care plans for young people with special education needs.
BSL Signed film with subtitles
Education Health and Care Plans - benefits for young people
Film about the benefits of Education Health and Care Plans for young people with special education needs.
BSL Signed film with subtitles
How to get the most out of your GP surgery appointment (face to face)
This small films highlights how to get the most out of your GP surgery appointment. We created this short film for the North East and Cumbria learning disability network
BSL Signed film with subtitles
How to get the most out of your GP phone appointment
This small films highlights how to get the most out of your GP surgery appointment. We created this short film for the North East and Cumbria learning disability network
BSL Signed film with subtitles
How to get the most out of your GP surgery appointment (face to face)
This small films highlights how to get the most out of your GP surgery appointment. We created this short film for the North East and Cumbria learning disability network
BSL Signed film with subtitles
Reasonable Adjustments
Reasonable adjustments for autistic patients
Short film made for North East & Cumbria Learning Disability Network for the 2022 LeDeR Learning and Sharing Event
This short music video is around reasonable adjustments for autistic patients
Everyone's responsibility -
A Short film made for North East & Cumbria Learning Disability Network for the 2022 LeDeR Learning and Sharing Event.
This music video highlights how it is everyone's responsibility to make sure that people with learning disabilities do not die on average 24 years early than the rest of the population due to avoidable causes.
24 Years Worth Living
This film was made for North East & Cumbria Learning Disability Network to highlight the fact that people with learning disabilities on average die 24 years sooner than that of the general population from avoidable causes.
A small film we made with Positive Behaviour Support North East and Cumbria to highlight STOMP and STAMP - Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability and autistic people. For more information about Positive Behaviour Support North East and Cumbria and STOMP go to
STOMP and STAMP - Shane's story
A small film we made with Positive Behaviour Support North East and Cumbria to highlight STOMP and STAMP - Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability and autistic people. For more information about Positive Behaviour Support North East and Cumbria and STOMP go to
STOMP and STAMP - Ethan's story
A small film we made with Positive Behaviour Support North East and Cumbria to highlight STOMP and STAMP - Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability and autistic people. For more information about Positive Behaviour Support North East and Cumbria and STOMP go to
STOMP and STAMP - Debbie Lucy's story
A small film we made with Positive Behaviour Support North East and Cumbria to highlight STOMP and STAMP - Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability and autistic people. For more information about Positive Behaviour Support North East and Cumbria and STOMP go to
A film about Health Passports
Don't Forget Your Passport!
A film for people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people and their supporters to raise awareness about Hospital Passports
Films about Mental Health
Access to mental health services
Raising awareness about person centred, accessible mental health support for people with learning disabilities and autistic people. Made in partnership with Northumberland NHS Foundation Trust.
Top tips to looking after your mental health
Our Community Champions have been working with health professionals and other artists with learning disabilities and autistic people to make this short film about the top tips to looking after your mental health during the covid pandemic.
How to look after your mental health and reduce the spread of covid
Our Newcastle champions have made this small film with the help from health professionals and other artists with learning disabilities and autism.
Covid 19 Films
Covid Conscious
'Hand Face Space' is one of our lockdown films we have been screening as part of our 'Covid Conscious' Pop-up festival, Presenting our artists with learning disabilities and our autistic artists' own unique perspective on the lockdown.
Top-tips on how two reduce the spread of Covid
Our Newcastle Community Champions have been working with and other artists with learning disabilities and autistic artists to make this short film about the top tips to reducing the spread of Covid.
A series of Films about Cancer
Signs of Cancer
Accessible short film about some of the signs and symbols of cancer.
Signs of Lung Cancer
Accessible film about some of the signs and symbols of lung cancer.
Reducing the risk of Cancer
Accessible short film about reducing the risk of cancer.
Flu Facts and Annual health checks
A series of short films providing facts about the flu jab. The North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network has an extensive work programme around improving the uptake of flu immunization in people with a learning disability and their families / carers. We work in partnership with our network members to achieve this.
Annual health checks and flu jabs for people with learning disabilities.
Accessible film about why it is important for people with learning disabilities to get their flu jab and annual health check.
Who should get the flu jab?
Accessible film about who should get their flu jab.
How do I get the flu jab?
Accessible film about how to get the flu jab.
Why do I need get it now?
Accessible film about why you need to get the flu jab.
Can the flu jab give you flu?
Accessible film about the flu jab.
Does the flu jab hurt?
Accessible film about how to get the flu jab.
How can I stop other people from getting the flu?
Accessible film about flu.