Loud and Visible 2 film page

 Loud and Visible Series 2 Digital Magazine
International Women’s Day interview with Catrine McHugh of ‘Open Clasp’ by The Twisting Ducks Loud

The Twisting Ducks are celebrating this International Women’s Day this year with an inspiring interview with Open Clasp Theatre Company! Plus we find out how Newcastle City Learning are joining the global celebration of women’s economic, social, political and artistic achievements!

Please circulate around your networks and join the campaign to #BeBoldForChange #internationalwomensday
Loud and Visible Series 2 Ep 2: The Tuneless Choir and the Lost Voice Guy

North East digital magazine programme made by people with learning disabilities and autism. In this episode, we meet Newcastle's Tuneless Choir and Lee Ridley AKA - The Lost Voice Guy! http://lostvoiceguy.com/
Loud and Visible Election Special ft Mind The Gap

On this special episode of Loud and Visible; The Twisting Ducks interview 3 local candidates up for the next general election. We also have a feature on Mind The Gap Theatre Company from Bradford. 
Special Olympics, Ability2Play & Chase Park Festival 2017

The Twisting Ducks have an exciting TV show 'Loud and Visible' made by people with learning disabilities and autism. Featuring live studio guests. We also have our roving reporter out to visit different locations in the North East to let you know what's going on!

Ability2Play: http://www.activenorthumberland.org.uk
Special Olympics Gateshead: http://specialolympicsgb.org.uk/regio...
Chase Park 2017: http://www.chaseparkfestival.co.uk
 'Loud & visible' Newcastle's Digital show including the Mela Festival

In this episode, find out all about this years Newcastle Mela Festival and the exciting new (free) creative writing project for people with learning disabiltiies and autism 'I Have Something to Say!

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