Name : Cath Stephens
Job role: Music Facilitator
Work history: I have around twenty-five years experience working as a community musician, educator and performer. My specialist skills focus on the voice, promoting good vocal health, community engagement and collaborative songwriting. I am particularly interested in finding accessible ways to engage people in voice work, improvisation, music-making and performance.
Personal statement: I have been working with The Twisting Ducks for around fifteen years. My main role has been to lead on the Band Academy but I also really enjoy the additional and diverse opportunities that working with the company provides: creating music with The Twisting Ducks for their live productions is one of my favourite examples of this. I feel that communication, inclusion, expression and a 'call for change' are at the heart of The Twisting Ducks Theatre Company and I am proud to say that the Band Academy also creates it's own environment where people are committed to expressing themselves and standing up for equality through their creative work.